Tips for surviving victim disarmament zone Based on commonly-offered advice from anti self-defense and gun ban extremists about what to do when attacked by a violent predator. 1.) Have no personal possessions, and for God's sake
don't carry money or credit cards. 2.) Whenever possible, stay locked at home, and never venture out. When at home, have a can of hairspray, a whistle, and be ready to dial 911. 3.) Appeasement has worked so well for Europe over the last 500 years, try preemptively giving them what they want before you are attacked. 4.) During the attack, try and figure out what you have done wrong to deserve the attack, and try and avoid similar behavior in the future. Consider the first attack a polite reminder to help out the city's less fortunate.
6.) A few community pride projects, like a playground cleanup, will probably do more to protect you than any self-defense measure. 7.) Suggest to the criminal that he participate in a gun buy-back program as a more legitimate source of revenue in the future. 8.) Since these encounters are about control and ego, show that you are terrified and will submit meekly to the punk's every whim. If possible, try to urinate in your pants. Predators respect fear and weakness. 9.) During disaster and local emergencies, the police
and government really do have your best interest in mind when they
confiscate your firearms and say that "Only the police can have
guns!" The gangs will turn theirs in too... Like they did in
New Orleans. |